Saturday, April 20, 2013

Growstown School

In Brunswick Maine there is a little historical school called the Growstown school.

In the summer months by appointment you can go inside and be told all about what it was like to attend this k-12 school back in the nineteenth century. This is something that most Brunswick elementary school children get to do. When a class comes to the grows town school people will be dressed up in period clothing and will demonstrated period punishments for the children.

However during the winter months you still get to come and take a look at this small little school. Just looking at how an entire school could fit into such a small building. With normal classrooms are almost the size of this building. 

Out back on the side of the building you can see two old out houses that would have been used. Since the school would not have had running water or the use of any plumbing.

Cars drive past this historic school non of them even slow down to look at the school. It sits tucked a little way off from Maine street in Brunswick. No one else stopped while I was their. Also I should not that there is no parking lot for this site. The side of the road next to the school is the only spot to park if you want to visit this site.

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